
Since 2022, we have offered fish vaccination services. This involves our technicians operating vaccination machines used during the vaccination of fish at hatcheries.

Vaccination of farmed fish is a fundamental preventive measure against disease. If unvaccinated fish are released into the sea, it increases the risk of disease outbreaks, leading to high fish mortality and increased use of antibiotics. For our clients, vaccination against fish diseases is crucial to ensuring responsible operations. Source: Mattilsynet.

Our work is conducted in collaboration with veterinarians who prescribe vaccines and responsible personnel (biologists) at the fish farms to ensure safe and proper implementation. This work requires high precision and accuracy from the operators to treat the fish as gently as possible. Our employees adhere to strict requirements and closely monitor the entire process.

Due to this focus, our technicians have been brought in for assignments in Canada to assist Canadian personnel with the operation of local vaccination machines. Canada to assist Canadian personnel with the operation of local vaccination machines.

We focus on:

  • Quality:Customers should experience that our services are delivered with high quality at all stages of the process.
  • Accuracy and reliability:Our operators should appear professional in their work and be reliable for the customer. 
  • Fish welfare:Our operators should do their utmost to work precisely and efficiently for the best interest of the fish, focusing on their welfare.

Our employees have completed and passed the Fish Welfare Course – Hatchery provided by Åkerblå Akvademiet. Fiskevelferdskurs – Settefisk gitt av Åkerblå Akvademiet.
