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Roger Erlandsen
- +47 917 22 588
- roger@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Lakselv og Kunes
Certified operator for welding pipes and pipe parts, as well as wire and extruder welding.
Roger startet opp GSG i 2014 og har vært gründer og pådriver gjennom hele bedriftens utvikling. Han er født og oppvokst i Kunes, der bedriften nå er lokalisert. Han har lang erfaring fra sjømatnæringen, både gjennom GSG, men og gjennom tidligere arbeid på settefiskanlegg. Han har allsidig bakgrunn fra forsvaret, hotell- og restaurant/bardrift, mekanisk arbeid, salg og kundeoppfølging, fiskeri, kontor, 3D-teknologi, bedriftsstrategi og styring, samt styrearbeid.

Anne Fjerdingstad Erlandsen
- +47 913 19 939
- anne@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Lakselv
Anne has been part of GSG since the beginning, first as a support device from the sidelines and since 2017 as an employee. She has a bachelor's degree in pedagogy and is responsible for the follow-up of the office, finance and accounting. She is responsible for HSE in the company and, in collaboration with the safety representative, has drawn up all the routines and procedures the company follows. Anne has also served as chairman since 2020.

Ole Kristian Skjellhaug
- +47 941 68 569
- ole@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Kunes
Certified operator for welding pipes and pipe parts, as well as wire and extruder welding.
Ole Kristian har vært ansatt i bedriften siden 2016 og er dermed en av få ansatte som har fulgt med i hele bedriftens utvikling. Han har bakgrunn fra oljenæringen, med fagbrev som mekanisk kabeloperatør. I GSG har han opparbeidet seg god erfaring innen plastfaget og har blitt sertifisert deretter. Ole Kristian har gått gradene og har siden 2020 vært produksjonsleder. Han har sittet i styret siden 2022 og kjøpte seg inn i bedriften i 2024.

Mathias Skaar
Project Manager
- +47 958 50 451
- mathias@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Kunes
Certified operator for welding pipes and pipe parts.
Mathias ble ansatt i GSG i 2019, først som ansvarlig for avdeling industrirenhold og senere som tekniker med sveisesertifisering. Mathias har bakgrunn fra medieproduksjon og har tidligere jobbet både innen salg og service, og sjømatnæringen. I 2020 gikk han inn som prosjektleder i GSG. Siden 2019 har han sittet i styret til bedriften og i 2022 kjøpte han seg inn og eier 18% av GSG.

Olav Josefsen
Scan operator and technician with an engineering degree
- +47 979 60 657
- olav@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Kunes
Certified operator for welding pipes and pipe parts, as well as wire and extruder welding.
Olav was employed by GSG in 2020 as a helper on a temporary contract, and has since remained with the company and actively contributed to the company's development. He is a qualified petroleum engineer and at GSG he has gone from helper to welder, and further to scan operator with responsibility for processing the data material. He is the company's safety representative and is the one who follows up on daily routines in production. Olav has been on the board since 2022 and in 2024 he bought into the company through his holding company. He currently owns 10% of the company.

Ken Roger Fagerheim
- kenroger@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Lakselv
Ken Roger was employed by GSG in 2024 and works at the company's office in Lakselv. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's in Engineering Design. Ken Roger was hired to assist with the company's development in 3D technology and design.

Rolf Ivar Gustavsen
CNC operator and technician
- rolf@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Kunes
Certified operator for welding pipes and pipe parts.
Rolf Ivar ble ansatt i GSG i 2020. Han startet sin karriere innen industrirenhold, men viste etter hvert ferdigheter innen data og teknologi. Han ble derfor satt inn som ansvarlig for 3D-printing og oppfølging av maskiner og utstyr. Når bedriften investerte i CNC maskiner ble også dette underlagt Rolf Ivar. Han har opparbeidet seg ferdigheter innen 3D-tegning og jobber også opp mot AM North (datterselskap) med 3D-teknologi.

Benjamin Teigen
- Workplace: Kunes
Certified operator for welding pipes and pipe parts.
Benjamin was employed by GSG in 2022 and through work and experience has been certified in pipe welding. In addition, he is approved to work as a vaccinator. He has a background in the seafood industry through work at fish hatcheries and reception facilities for king crab. Benjamin is the only employee with a local affiliation and resident in the company's home municipality.

Sindre Thomassen Vonheim
Department manager industrial cleaning
- sindre@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Kunes
Sindre was employed by GSG in 2020 within industrial cleaning and in 2021 he took over as department manager for this work. He has a background from upper secondary school and work experience from a recycling plant. Sindre has gained good experience in planning and structure, and has created a brilliant career for himself at GSG.

Alexander Prytz-Olsen
Industrial cleaner
- Workplace: Kunes
Aleksander was employed by GSG in 2021 and has always worked in industrial cleaning. He has a background in higher education in vehicles and is the person responsible for following up the company's vehicle fleet.

Kenneth Skjellhaug
Biological responsible/vaccinator
- kenneth@gsg-as.no
- Workplace: Kunes
Kenneth ble første gang ansatt i GSG i 2018, og har vært igjennom flere ledd i bedriften. Han begynte som hjelpemann på teknisk avdeling, og overtok som avdelingsleder innen industrirenhold i 2019.
I 2021 ble han sertifisert sveiser, og samme år valgte han å forlate oss til fordel for arbeid på oljeplattform.
Kenneth har bakgrunn fra oljenæringen og har fagbrev som bore- og vedlikeholdsoperatør. I 2022 var han tilbake som hjelpemann hos GSG i kortere perioder og i 2023 ble han igjen fast ansatt og gikk inn som biologisk ansvarlig og jobber i dag som vaksinatør.

Markus Trane Utsi
- Workplace: Kunes
Markus was employed by GSG in 2023 as part of the vaccination team. He has a background in seafaring, and has a certificate as a sailor.